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底特律大学在剧院举办Arthur J. Beers教授的退休纪念活动-Honoring Arthur J. Beers career in theatre
来源: 发布时间:2019-11-30 点击量:

Theatre Professor Arthur J. Beer retired this past year from teaching and this December, he is performing in his last production, "Ebenezer."

In honor of his career, the Department of Performing Arts and Detroit Mercy Theatre Company will host a special celebration on Sunday, Dec. 8, at The Marlene Boll Theatre from 5:30-8 p.m. This event will feature a strolling reception and roast of Beer.

In addition, students, friends and colleagues can express their gratitude to Beer by sending letters and videos. Offer a memory of your time with him or give him a piece of your mind. Interested individuals may submit videos and letters to theatre@udmercy.edu. Some recordings and letters may be read during the roast at the discretion of the Department of Performing Arts.